12 years ago my oldest niece was born at 32wk1d at 4lb 6oz and she spend 5 weeks in NICU in that time she went to 2lb 4oz and the with the help of the NICU 12 years later she is a beautiful healthy happy young girl. Then 7 years ago my youngest niece was born at 36 weeks. Then 11 weeks ago I was 32wk6d pregnant and I had a massive bleed from the placenta, I was rushed for an emergency c section and there my beautiful little girl was born, 7 weeks early and weighing 3lb 4oz. She was long awaited after suffering 7 miscarriages and then being told that my baby would be born with skeletal dysplasia and at 1 point was told that I would be offered a termination! So when she was whisked away to NICU to be put on oxygen, a feeding tube and blue lights for jaundice it was horrific, but She was looked after so well and so were we. We were told to expect her to take 2 steps forward, 10 steps back but she never did she kept fighting, with the help of the nurses/doctors/consultants/healthcares. If it wasn’t for NICU I don’t think I would have my daughter with me now. I feel like I need to contribute in some way to help raising money, I know I can’t make much but every penny helps. Me and my family and friends will be doing a lantern 4 mile walk on the 17th nov, so if you could sponsor us through this page that would be amazing, I am so greatful for you even reading this let alone if you donate, thank you so much, I will let everyone know how we get on xxx