Now everyone’s been telling me to let them know if I need anything and I do. My father was a trustee for the Stepney shahjalal mosque committee for the past 20+ years of his life, after Allah that mosque was everything to my father. They have been in the process of building a bigger mosque to be able to reach the whole community alhamdulillah.
My dad donated £1000 before he passed towards his beloved mosque and had been fundraising for many years before that - may Allah be pleased with his efforts. But the mosque still needs help, so what I request of you is dig deep in your pockets and donate towards this worthy cause, and if you can’t please please please share this with your family, your friends, your neighbours and their family and friends, so we can finish what my dad and his friends started.
“Whoever builds a mosque, desiring thereby Allah’s pleasure, Allah builds for him the likes of it in paradise.” [Bukhari]
Jazak Allahu Khayran