Hart Brown are continuing to hold the Hart Brown Annual Economic Forum as a free event. Instead of making a charge for this event we would like to encourage delegates to make a donation to our charity of the year, the Wildlife Aid Foundation. We suggest a donation of £25. (If you are donating due to the economic forum, please let us know in your comment)
We also have many more fundraising activities coming up this year, check this page for more details.
The Wildlife Aid Foundation is a worthy course, they aim to educate the public in the importance of conservation and in particular how wildlife surrounding us is so important to conservation. They are Surrey based and each year they rehabilitate 20,000 animals and release them back into the wild.
Wildlife Aid have been selected as Hart Brown's charity of the year. Please give generously as they desperately need funding. Find out more about Surrey based solicitors Hart Brown.
Amongst the reasons Wildlife Aid was chosen, was the great work they do in rescuing all types of wild life in the Surrey area, and spending time educating children in local schools on the environment and the importance of a sustainable future and the conservation of the Surrey area. Hart Brown employees were also impressed with the various fun and easy ways staff and the general public can get involved with the charity, from donating cans of dog food to feed the badgers, to volunteering and running fundraising events.
Bettina Brueggemann, Hart Brown's managing partner commented:
“They are a local charity, based in Leatherhead, and generally work within the surrounding area, but they also have a wider profile with their own TV show - Wildlife SOS, I am very familiar with the good work they undertake, I have taken a bird and a rabbit to them and the help they provided was wonderful!”