On Friday 3rd June I am taking part in a bike ride in memory of Boo Van der Noot who suffered severe depression which tragically led Boo to commit suicide on 29th July 2015.
Boo has been one of the many individuals I have grown up with in the Aldeburgh family. Every summer for as long as I can remember. She is missed by so many every day. A frequent face at the Yacht Club, and someone who was always up for a laugh.
Sarah, Boo's amazing mother has arranged this mammoth challenge to bring Boo's friends together and raise the awareness of the difficulties people with depression face on a day to day basis. The ride is 115 miles from London to Aldeburgh in one (long) day!
Depression is a personal battle that is too often hard to understand and harder to deal with. It has a completely debilitating effect on the mind and ones ability to enjoy many aspects of day to day life. One is often left with a feeling of guilt or worthlessness which is very difficult to overcome. Through raising awareness I really would like to inspire people who suffer from depression to speak out. It is difficult because one often feels deep guilt, however, it is those friends that care most who are the ones that understand, the ones that can seriously help make a positive step. Depression is stronger when it's alone, this is why I believe it is so so important to raise awareness of it.
The money is being donated to the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust which 'aims to raise awareness of the nature and dangers of depression, reduce stigma, provide training to primary care staff and encourage those who may be depressed to seek help'
Thank you very much for your donation, and remember, depression must not be a taBOO