The Harry, Abraham and Isaac Page
Fundraising for Leicester Hospitals Charity
Fundraising for Leicester Hospitals Charity
Hi Guys....there has been a bit of a blip in our preparations for the Great North Run....I was training in the Gym on 6th July and I had another tachicardia attack...which polaxed me...bottom line is that I have got to have quite a sizeable operation very soon to try to permanently cure this bloody thing, so I have had to defer our Great North Run to next year, in the meantime we are trying to get ready for another half marathon as soon as we can so I have took the liberty of carrying over donations and then doing my committed this space
Hi Everyone,Many of you will know this but the 8th November 2011 wasn't the best of days for yours truly. Doing a normal run at a decent lick but not too hard a pace I keeled over, fell in a ditch, crawled out and lay on the side of the road...pegging it..until someone stopped and then I was taken into Lincoln Hospital.
Being a relatively fit old bugger I had a resting heartbeat of about 50bpm normally so when it went up to 265bpm I thought, and the paramedics thought it was curtains.
I was diagnosed with tachycardia and arythmia and other long words and after what seemed like an age in hospital wired up to machines and monitors they stuck a contraption in my chest the same as was fitted to Fabrice Muamba (so now I am waiting to develop a nice tan!).
You will also know about Claire Squires, the fit young woman who died in the London Marathon this year, she had heart Arrythmia also. And I have only just found out that my Dad died of the same thing as they diagnosed me with at EXACTLY the same age as me, to the day.
The guys who did the do for me, got me going again and are continuing to look after me are Dr Alastair Sandilands and the Arrythmia team at Glenfield Hospital in Leicester and this is where the dosh I am raising is going to go. They need some decent dosh to improve research, do their job even more effectively and ultimately save more lives.
I know that over the years I have asked you to basically pay me to run so that I could give some decent dosh to some deserving people, but this one is so close to my heart (now there's a pun) and I/we owe these guys so very much for keeping your mate, me, going and getting back to annoying you all again.
I entered the Great North Run 2012 before my little episode and I believe that I can get ready for it and run it, though not at the times I am used to running it in and I have only Alastair and the Arythmia team (and support from my mates and family) to thank for getting me to the start line.
Some of you may say "he's always been mad but now he's gone over the edge" but apparently it was not running that caused my episode but it was running that saved me because of the heart strength I had built up over the years. This thing is very random but obviously runs in the family which is why research is so vital and I am not doing it without the say so of the guys in Glenfield Hospital. Also getting fit again is so bloody, bloody hard!
My two little sons, Isaac and Abraham will be running on 15th Septemer (the day before the Great North Run) in the Mini and Junior Great North Run, so you can give dosh to those two little cute reprobates as well if you want, or even instead of giving it to me.
A lot of you sent lots of good wishes and stuff when you heard about my little episode and I'll not forget the bags full of funny, yummy and highly quafable stuff you brought me . Now you really do have a chance to put your money where your mouth is and help the guys who helped me save, prolong and give quality to the lives of other people who find themselves keeled over on a roadside.
If you couldn' get to see me in hospital because you were watching Coronation Street or the footy or doing other vital things then send the petrol money you would have used.
Anyway dig deep and I PROMISE I wont ask for any more dosh in the years to come...Lots of Love, Isaac, Abraham and Hal x
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