Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
Me and my husband lost our perfect baby boy Harrison at 37+ weeks weighing 7lb 9oz he was our 5th child.
I was watching out for all signs I knew about and was actually in hospital when contractions were happening and movements were slowing, I was sent home and returned the following morning where I was yet again told even with my concerns and asking fir help that on the ctg Harrison was fine for hours even though at this point I was expressing there was no movement! A scan then revealed indeed he had passed away...they had mistaken my heart for his and i believe had done so the night before!
Such a simple answer to this! When on a ctg monitor both mother and baby's heartbeat In andu like they do in labour ward and listen to a mothers instincts! Monitoring your baby's kicks/movements is so so essential but we need to be listened to and monitored correctly when we go in to hospital as well.
It has also come to light since that I had severe polyhydramnios (large waters and a big baby) it was in my notes and all danger symptoms were there, I just didn't know they were from that! Or that dangers came with large waters!
We want to raise awareness to this as well as raise money for the amazing sands team who give such great support after losing your baby and who also are raising all awareness to get the horrific number down! 17 babies are stillborn or die shortly after birth everyday!!
We're mainly supporting Surrey sands and have already donated a cuddle cot and crib to east Surrey hospital sands room as well as £4000 towards helping refurb there, this page is now on restriction for sands hospital Funds supports which will be helping sands in training, the precious memory bags and keeping the upkeep of all bereavement rooms across Surrey.
Thank you for your time and help towards this much needed and great cause!