Happy Epidemic is a comedy web series set against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic. It follows Jake, a twenty-something Londoner with who starts 2020 with big plans and a head full of dreams... that is, until the pandemic hits.
Now, Jake wants to help out in the real world...
We are raising money in aid of Age UK, who needs your help to support older people during the coronavirus outbreak, when we are seeing unprecedented demand for their services and expect this to continue to grow over the coming weeks and months.
What they do: Age UK are working hard to ensure that vital information, advice and befriending services can continue to safely help the older people who are reaching out to us during these deeply worrying times. This is a time of great anxiety for everyone, but especially for older people and their loved ones. Age UK is determined to be there for older people who need our help and especially for those who have no one else to turn to. By donating to Age UK, you will help to reach the older people that need us most.