Firstly... THANK YOU for visiting my page!!
I did the GREAT EDINBURGH RUN :-) in a delightful time of 61.28 mins, far quicker than i could have ever imagined! I would like to thank everybody for their kind generosity, and for those who haven't donated I ask only for a little or just as much as you can give. For details of the AMAZING charity i ran for see below, they really do make childrens lives a lot better.
I, along with many of you, have been lucky enough to live a healthy, pain free life. This isn't the case for some children though.
'Starlight Children's Foundation' brightens the lives of seriously and terminally ill children by granting their wishes and providing hospital entertainment to help take their minds off the pain, fear and isolation of their illness.
If Starlight had just one wish itself, it would be that cures could be found for all the terrible illnesses that can afflict children. Until then, they will continue to provide important medicines of another sort: excitement, fun and laughter!!
For more details on what they do, please visit their website
I'm sure you all know how hard I'm going to train for this so PLEASE, please, please dig deep into your generous pockets. You'll be making some very ill kids a lot happier...
Thank you again and once again, as MUCH support as possible! Hannah Swindlehurst xxx