UPDATE - The 10km have been run and amazingly I didn't die! In fact I felt pretty fabulous afterwards (well, once I'd drunk a lot of water and before I had to walk all the way back up Park Street!), and part of that feeling fabulous was because I knew I'd raised so much money. So thank you all, so much! JustGiving keeps my page online for another three months after the event, so even though I've run the race, if you'd like to make a donation and haven't yet, or if you wish you'd donated more then HUZZAH because you still can!
Hello! As you may have heard, I'm running the Bristol 10km on the 15th May, because I'm obviously a crazy person who thinks getting up every morning to run in the cold is a good plan!
But running the 10k also means that I can raise money for charity, which is always an awesome thing to do. And the British Red Cross is a really, really fabulous charity. They also happen to be the people who pretty much kept my grandpa alive after he was shot down in the Second World War, so I really want to support them wherever I can - and this is where I would like to please ask you to step in.
If I had a few hundred pounds lying around I would sponsor myself through the race and ask you for nothing, but unfortunately for me I don't! So instead I would like to ask you to please, please consider sponsoring me. I like running, but not enough to run 10km for the hell of it! Whatever you can give will be hugely appreciated by me and most importantly the people it goes to help.
Thanks so much for coming to my page, and for any donation you can spare! And if after you've donated you'd like to spread the word, send the link to everyone you know, then that would be fabulous of you!
See you on the 15th...
Hannah xxx