Me and Amber have decided to bite the bullet and do something to raise money for Pancreatic Cancer Action. So on May the 5th I will be doing a Wing Walk and on May the 19th Amber will be completing a Sky Dive. Pancreatic Cancer receives only 3% of cancer research funding despite being the UK's 5th biggest cancer killer with the lowest survival rates. Please support us in finding a cure!!
The inspiration behind this fundraising is my fabulous Mum!
Her Story:
Back in September 2013 my mum was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer, fortunately she was lucky enough to have caught it early and was able to undergo the Whipple surgery (Pancreaticoduodenectomy) which successfully removed Trevor the tumor. After months of recovery and chemotherapy all signs of the cancer were gone!
Unfortunately in November 2017 a scan showed that Trevor had returned. But my mum has never given up hope and she is currently undergoing brutal chemotherapy, living her life to the full and working on kicking Trevor's ass for a second time!
You are the best mum, nanny, sister, auntie and friend anyone could ever ask for. This is for you mum. We all love you loads!
If you are interested in her story in her own words please select the link below and scroll about half way down:
Thank you so much for visiting my page!
Pancreatic Cancer Action are a national charity dedicated to saving lives by improving early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and the quality of patient survival. with your help we fund vital research, create medical education programmes, produce national awareness campaigns and vital patient information.Together we can make a difference!