I am pleased to announce that on the 2nd October 2022 I will be running the London Marathon in support of Oxford Samaritans!
As I prepare to enter the second quarter of my life it seems apt that I raise funds for a fantastic cause. After minimal persuasion from Tom and my old man I will be joining them in running the London Marathon. Having run a marathon before with no training whatsoever I understand that this isn't actually as easy as it might seem. And neither is the fantastic work that the Oxford Samaritans provide free of charge 24/7 every single day of the year.
Oxford Samaritans opened in 1963, and has around 170 active volunteers. They respond to around 2500 calls a month and also take part in Feet on the Street, an initiative that takes place in Oxford Cornmarket every other Friday night. The Oxford Branch has a range of outreach activities in schools, they train listeners in prisons, work with the local railway stations and support other local initiatives relating to mental health and suicide.
So please no matter how large or small the donation please consider giving something to a really superb cause that helps thousands of people up and down the country.
PS. I promise I won't be running it in sliders