Here is a summary of my treatment and why you should consider donating:
I've put in some links to instagram posts from my treatment which you'll need to copy and paste into your browser or you can see them at: (Follow me if you want)
My Treatment
On Friday 13th January 2017 I was diagnosed with cancer, a brain tumour the size of a pool ball after just 6 days of symptoms. The tumour I had was very rare, I was one of 10 people in Europe aged 16-24 with this type of tumour.
At this point I could barely walk, see, hear or eat and underwent my first surgery to insert a ventricle access device into my head to remove brain fluid and release the pressure on my brain.
Tests on this fluid showed tumour markers, substances secreted by cancerous cells, of >4000 (<2 being normal, as they are today).
As my condition improved I was taken to the teenage cancer trust ward where I began to walk again for the first time in two weeks and began my first of four rounds of high dose chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy consisted of 5 consecutive days and nights of being attached to a machine pumping what is essentially poison into my body along with many litres of water to dilute the chemo... what goes in must come out...meaning going to the bathroom every hour day and night, and a pump as loud as a printer that beeps every time the chemo/water/anti sickness drugs needed changing...I wasn't getting much sleep.
^(day 1 of chemo round 2)
^(some of my amazing friends out for a meal before chemo round 3)
In the midst of this I had stem cells collected through a blood dialysis and received a blood transfusion to elevate my haemoglobin levels enough in case I needed a stem cell transplant, which in the end was not needed.
^(after 3 rounds of chemo and 2 surgeries)
After 3 rounds of chemo, each with a two week break in between, I was told I may need further surgery...this surgery was classed as "medium risk" and after hearing what could go wrong including paralysis and brain damage made this a hard decision, but trials showed those who had surgery were more likely to make a full recovery, and that if I didn't have it now I'd likely need to have it later for tumour pathology.
I had surgery on Friday, was up walking the next day, and was home by Tuesday afternoon, 2/3rds of a tumour lighter.
^(the day I got home from surgery number 2)
^(More of my incredible friends at a Hockey tournament Gavin put on for TCT, 9 days after surgery)
3 weeks later I finished my fourth and final round, for a total of 20 full days receiving chemotherapy.
^(finishing chemo)
3 further weeks later I began radiotherapy, a total of 30 treatments, Monday to Friday over six weeks. The actual treatment only took 5 minutes but by weeks 5 and 6 I became tired and nauseous but was able to complete 30 sessions without any major issues.
(finishing treatment)
About the Teenage Cancer Trust (TCT)
I've posted a couple of times about the TCT over the last year but if you've not seen them I'll tell you about them and what they've done for me:
• The TCT have people such as Kevin Bridges, Liam Gallagher, Noel Gallagher and Paul Weller as ambassadors.
• They have 28 specialist units for 13-24 year olds with cancer in hospitals across the UK.
• They provide care and support for young people who have been diagnosed with cancer like I was
• I spent about 40 nights in the Western General Hospital unit in Edinburgh
• Facilities included a hub with kitchen, video games and TVs, as well as my own room with a fridge, bathroom and wifi.
• They have musical instruments, materials for arts and crafts as well as board games to pass the time
• The hub area made it a lot easier when friends came along, there are couches and comfortable seats rather than them sitting around a bed
• The TCT also employ support coordinators who organise trips and activities for patients, even once treatment has finished
• Due to these facilities I have met many other people my age who are going through a similar experience and have made some great friends.
• I now want to do my bit to make sure the TCT is there to support others as much as they did me (TCT ward)
If anyone can spare a few quid and donate it would mean a lot. And as someone who has experienced what they do first hand I promise you it's for a worthwhile cause.
I appreciate that many of you donated towards Gavin's hockey tournament and Patrick's half marathon last year while I was undergoing treatment but now that I'm feeling well I want to do some fundraising for myself, and I won't ask you for money again.
If you do donate please make sure to leave your name so I can say thanks!
Please share and donate if you can.
Thank you.