On hearing about the Trust's appeal to extend Lackford Lakes, my first thought was 'great news, how much can I give them?' Then, pondering on for a time, as I quite often do, I began to wonder if I might just be able to do something that little bit crazy to get others to look this way and give something too?! With even more pondering, a bit of googling and lip biting, I've finally arrived at the almighty "77KM IN 7WEEKS CHALLENGE" - or drowning myself in the local pool by swimming...... A LOT!!! I have now stopped pondering and have moved on to worrying..........
So, to give my life a little credit, please support me by supporting the Trust in their brilliant work. You are also welcome to come and check on my progress in the pool which the lovely lifeguards (I need to keep them sweet just in case!) will be verifying as I go.