Will you help keep the legacy of the Ansar alive by helping to rebuild homes for Gazan refugee families?
The Ansar (The Helpers) were the people from Medina who supported the Prophet (saw) and the Muhajirun (emigrants) when they migrated from Makkah to Medina. They opened up their homes and their hearts, giving away portions of their annual income, swathes of farm land, and the shirts on their backs and displayed true hospitality to their new guests.
By supporting this initiative, you will be helping to repair repair home, which have been damaged due to the ongoing conflict for the poor refugee families in Gaza.
With the ongoing coronavirus pandemic adding to the daily struggles of surviving war and poverty, its more important than ever to unite virtually for this years Gaza Winter Walk, ensuring the voices of the families in Gaza are still heard and never forgotten.
Please pledge your support today :)
Together, we can rebuild the little they have, restore their hope and dignity and put a small smile back on their faces.
Thank you!