All UK charities including Walk the Walk have been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. All our MoonWalks and challenges along with thousands of other fundraising initiatives have been cancelled and charities are now struggling to maintain services due to the huge reduction of funds. The impact reaches all areas, from breast cancer to mental health, from housing support to palliative care.
At Walk the Walk we know a lot of people doing just a little can make a world of difference. To allow us to continue making grants and supporting those charities that need it most we need your help.
We will be walking four-legged as a family for 26 minutes and seeing how much of Guys hair Nina can shave in 2.6 minutes!
Join us on our 2.6 challenge and make a donation or sponsor us with just £2.64 or if you are feeling flush… £26.00 and by uniting together we can continue to make a difference to our benefiting charities across the UK.