At the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) we work tirelessly to unite against bullying and create environments where children feel safe to be themselves without fear of bullying be it online or face to face. We urgently need your support.
I am fundraising for the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) who works tirelessly to unite against bullying and create environments where children feel safe to be themselves without fear of bullying be it online or face to face.
Over 30% of children and young people experienced bullying in the last year. With nearly one child in every classroom experiencing bullying every day. Bullying significantly impacts a child's life and their experience of adulthood. Adults who were bullied as a child are more likely to:
- Experience a range of mental health issues
- Leave school with no qualifications
- Not be in stable relationships
Donate today to make a difference and help us to stop bullying for good.
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At the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) we work tirelessly to unite against bullying and create environments where children feel safe to be themselves without fear of bullying be it online or face to face. We urgently need your support.
The National Children’s Bureau champions the rights of children and young people. We bring people and organisations together to drive change in society. We interrogate policy, uncover evidence and develop better ways of supporting children and families. We are united for a better childhood.