As I think most of you know, I am back on the marathon trail again this year, 2 years after my last unsuccessful attempt back in 2013.
At the risk of boring you all again with my experience, I collapsed after 3 hours and 23 minutes of running, having covered 23 miles! Basically I had severe heat exhaustion, which culminated in liver failure and me falling to the ground unconscious and being out for about 45 minutes. I woke up in a St Johns Ambulance tent, naked, in an ice bath, covered in sick and delirious - not the first time I hear some of you say....
Anyhow clearly I wasn't in great shape and if I am honest it was quite a humbling experience - therefore persuading Hayley that I wanted to run again has not been easy - BUT..... I am back in training (ran a 1/2 marathon on the weekend) and am relishing the opportunity to, finally (hopefully) beat The London!! The famous Vowls competitive spirit is back in full flow.....
I am also running in aid of Worldwide Cancer Research and I truly hope that you can help me along by sponsoring me - again! Primarily this is in memory of Mum, who (unbelievably) died over 7 years ago from this most indiscriminate disease, 8 weeks after she was diagnosed with Cancer. However this is a disease that has had an effect in some way shape or form on almost everyone I know - whether it be a personal experience or somebody they know, family or friend. New research suggests that 50% of people born after 1960 in the UK will be diagnosed with some form of cancer - this is a frightening statistic and whilst the progression in terms of treatment and cure has accelerated in recent years this is a constant battle that needs to be fought - and quite simply it is fought with money!
So I would very much appreciate it, if you could please send some of your hard earn cash my way. I am happy to be sponsored for just running, to be sponsored for actually finishing this time, to be sponsored for total weight loss (1/2 stone and counting!), to be sponsored to have my head shaved for the race etc etc. You name it, I will probably do it! So long as I raise enough money for a charity that is very close to my heart and to ensure that I actually finish the bloody thing this time!!