My little cousin Billy was admitted to Alder Hey hospital on 10th December 2015. After having a MRI scan we discovered he had a brain tumour and hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain). A few days later Billy had surgery to have the tumour removed, he was also given a shunt to drain the excess fluid. We waited a few days for the biopsy results to come back and unfortunately received the news we were all dreading. Billy was diagnosed with a rare cancer and has now started chemotherapy treatment.
Without the expertise, help and support of the staff at Alder Hey Billy's parents and brother and sisters wouldn't have been strong enough to get through this tough time. We are extremely great full for the everything that the staff do and continue to do for all the children not just 'our Billy' so we would like to say a big thank you and give something back.
Billy is a little fighter and an inspiration, we can't thank the hospital enough for keeping him alive and helping him beat his cancer. After visiting the hospital you can't help but want to do something to help... So this is my way! I will be doing a skydive and all money raised will go to the hospital so they can continue to help families like ours.