In February this year I had my first round of surgery to remove endometrial growths from my pelvis and diaphragm. A long and difficult surgery that is by no means a cure, nor the final stepping stone in what has already been a long road of treatments.
I have been lucky to have access to medical care, personal and professional support along the way, and despite the support I've received, I am still finding the whole experience challenging in ways I could never have anticipated so I'm joing the Walk for Endo 2023 in honour of not just my own experiences, but for the 1 in 10 who live with the disease and wait on average 8 years to just receive a diagnosis.
Endometriosis is a disease that infiltrates it's way into every imaginable corner of your life and is so aggressively misunderstood and undertreated- don't be fooled into thinking it's just a 'period problem'- liver and lung involvement, extreme prolonged pain, blood loss, mental health issues and infertility are just some of consequences of the disease that have impacted me: if you could donate towards my challenge, it would not just mean the world to me but will help support the incredible work that Endometriosis UK is doing to fight the chronic misconceptions and lack of general support surrounding endometriosis.
Endometriosis UK relies heavily on donations to support their work which consists of volunteer led support services including a helpline, web chat and face to face support groups, information provision, awareness raising as well as campaigning and lobbying for change and better treatment options.