Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic condition which causes sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive system. It affects more than 10,800 people in the UK. One in 25 of us carries the faulty gene that causes it, usually without knowing. Cystic fibrosis comes with challenges, affecting our physical health, mental wellbeing and how we choose to live our lives. But our community is uniting towards the ultimate goal of effective treatment for all. Cystic Fibrosis Trust is the charity uniting people to stop cystic fibrosis.
A family member, Luna, was diagnosed with CF shortly after birth. She is now 1, and making fantastic progress thanks to improved treatments. However, she faces daily struggles and need for medication which sets her apart from other children her age, and limits activities she can be involved in. I want to help support further research and development in treatments so that Luna and other CF warriors can lead ever better, limit-free lives. I am taking part in the Lakesman Half endurance triathlon in June, involving a 1.9km swim, 90km bike ride and a half marathon, to raise money and awareness for this cause, to find out more follow this link:
The Lakesman – Lake District Endurance Events
As a 20-year old student, I've never attempted anything like this before so it is a big challenge to undertake, but I want to play my part in facilitating CF research for Luna. My training so far has included open-water swimming at 2 degrees, cycling long distances over 100km and running whenever and wherever I can, so I can be prepared for June.
Any support would be greatly appreciated by myself, my family and all at the charity and be essential in working towards new and improved treatments for CF.