1.6 million people in the UK are estimated to be directly affected by eating
disorders. Eating disorders are serious mental health issues affecting mainly (but not exclusively) girls and women. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rates among psychiatric disorders.
My daughter, Kirsty, started being regularly sick aged 15. She underwent a lengthy series of physical and non-physical assessments before she was eventually diagnosed as bulimic. She would binge eat at meal times, go to the bathroom, return and binge eat again. For over a decade her life was horrendous. She went from a healthy full size to being painfully thin. She would vomit several times a day every day. The acid rotted her teeth so badly she had to have her entire upper set removed. Potassium levels dipping dangerously low leading to multiple hospital admissions in a life-threatening condition. Low potassium means muscles cannot work properly and this includes the heart. Getting her help on the NHS was practically impossible. Clinics full. Eventually she was seen at an NHS clinic but resources for treating such illnesses are woefully poor. As a parent, I felt helpless and useless. I watched my child suffer and deteriorate and did not know what to do to help her. Even dedicated charities did not have the resources to help as they were simply overwhelmed.
I wish with all my heart that there was a happy ending to this story but on 24/02/16, Kirsty suffered heart failure and died aged 27. Sadly, this is all too common an ending for sufferers. I want to raise funds for Support for sufferers and their families is vital during the very difficult process of recovering from this dangerous illness. I will be taking part in the Kintyre Way Ultra 42 mile cyclosportive and would appreciate any donations, large or small, to help this charity provide support to sufferers and their families.