I want to see a future of wild, healthy, natural rivers that are for all walks of life. That's why I'm open water swimming a mile in the River Thames at the Henley Swim Festival this year for The Rivers Trust.
New deregulations allow UK companies to dump waste (including raw sewage) into our rivers that are no longer protected by EU environmental laws, with serious long term detrimental consequences. I think this is wrong. Our rivers have barely begun to recover from the pollutants of the industrial revolution.
So despite the fact I am afraid of water and entirely out of shape, I'll be attempting to swim a mile this summer (last time, if you remember, I managed half a mile, and I cried at the end).
The Rivers Trust want all life to thrive in and around our rivers; humans and wildlife alike. Whether you enjoy fishing, swimming or a riverside stroll, rivers need to be protected, conserved and enhanced to ensure they remain for future generations. The Rivers Trust are passionate about protecting rivers and champion the importance of healthy rivers through sharing knowledge online, at schools and through local groups. And with their member Trusts, they regularly organise local conservation events to take action and bring people together. Sadly rivers are at a point of no return and need urgent action to save them.
Take a look at their recent State of Our Rivers Report here: to learn about the many issues impacting your local river.