On the 16th of October I and a team of people will be flying to Tanzania, Africa to climb Kilimanjaro in support of Friends of the Citizens Foundation.
The Friends of the Citizens foundation has built over 600 schools in Pakistan with an enrollment of 80, 000 Students. Their aim is end iliteracy in Pakistan.
I believe that education is the one true gift you can give anybody. It is the only gift that keeps giving as it allows a individual to rise above circumstance. Every cent you give goes towards helping a kid learn and grow and this will cause a ripple effect on his life and the people he touches. Be a part of this. Donate what you can towards this organisation as I climb Kili in support of it.
Approximately 6000m above sea level; Kilimanjaro is the tallest free-standing mountain in the world and the highest peak in . Due to the high altitude and rocky conditions; there is no guarantee all of us will make it.
The ascent over a week, includes 6-7 hours of trekking each day and 12 hours on the final day to reach the summit for dawn.
Inspired by people like Greg Mortenson (author, Three Cups of Tea) and organized by Friends of The Citizens Foundation – FTCF, we are trying to raise as much as possible for a based charity; The Citizens Foundation (TCF), which is 's largest not-for-profit organisation in the field of formal education ( For a brighter future, I believe these kids deserve any chance they can get.
FTCF works directly with TCF makes education accessible to children which would otherwise be living a backstreet life open to the extreme elements of violence and crime. TCF and FTCF are committed to a momentous target of educating 350,000 – 400,000 pupils in by 2012!
Donating through Justgiving is quick, easy and (according to them) totally secure.It’s also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Friends Of The Citizens Foundation gets your money faster.
I need to raise pledges quickly to ensure I can undertake the challenge, so please take a few minutes to donate. Every little bit counts. Please note that all your donations go to charity and do not fund my travel expenses, which are borne by myself (I'm paying for my own flights, all my kit, and accommodation).