I have at last setup my just giving page. I know a few of you have sponsored me on the paper form already thank you.
On the 24 off July I will be trying to complete the outlaw ( ) ironman distance triathlon to raise money and awareness for Diabetes UK.
For those of you don’t know what an ironman triathlon is, it consists of the following a 2.4 mile open water swim followed by a 112 mile bike finished off with a full 26.2 mile full marathon.
This is challenging for most people, but made a little bit hard for me with type one Diabetes.
After being diagnosed 3 ½ years ago I promised myself and a few others I would finish an ironman distance triathlon, at the time I could only swim about 50meters and most people though I was a bit mad.
So on the 24th I hope to finish any donation would be welcome
Thanks Geraint