On Sunday April 24th 2016 I will take part in the London Marathon, my aim is to run this is five hours or less and hopefully get round in one piece.
Those who know me will know this is the biggest challenge I have ever faced. Before I decided I was going to do this I couldn't even run for a minute without feeling like I was going to pass out so the fact I have signed up to run 26.2 miles is a massive thing, not counting the events I am going to do leading up to this which I will update as I go along.
I am raising money for Teenage Cancer Trust and hope to have raised a minimum of £2500 before I do the marathon. This charity is the partner for Kcom so any money I raise my company will match. This is a massive opportunity for me to raise a lot of money for such a worthy charity.
Around seven young people aged between 13 and 24 are diagnosed with cancer every day in the UK. They need expert treatment and support from the moment they hear the word ‘cancer.’ Teenage Cancer Trust is the only charity dedicated to making this happen.
Their 28 specialist units within NHS hospitals bring young people aged between 13 and 24 together, to be treated by teenage cancer experts in a place designed just for them
Teenage Cancer Trust is the voice for young people with cancer. It provides peer support and is instrumental in the provision of age-appropriate environments in the Principal Treatment Centres. These are extremely valued and important to the Teenagers and Young People who have cancer.
Teenage Cancer Trust makes a massive difference, being diagnosed with cancer, and then having to spend time away from your family, friends and ‘normality’ must be incredibly difficult. Having the units and facilities that they have, make that time just that bit more bearable and provides the young people with a place where they can still be young people.