On the 23rdApril 2023, I will be running my first ever marathon - for Cancer Research UK.
Well it begins with my name. I am named after two very special people, who I never got to meet - George and Jean, my Grandparents (George-Jean-a). Both of whom passed away from Cancer, before I was born.
With 1 in 2 of us effected by cancer, many of us have lost loved ones, relatives and friends to this terrible disease. Cancer Research UK exists to support the vital research that will help beat cancer.
With 20 weeks of training, aching muscles and a few blisters (and tears) along the way, any donations you make, will help to fund crucial research and bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.
Thank you for all your support in advance. I hope I do you proud, and I can’t wait to run the London Marathon with my name printed in bold letters on my vest.
George and Jean this is for you.