In 2005, mum was diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer. After 5 years of intense; chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery - she had the all clear.
Sadly 11 years later, Mum discovered she had bladder cancer, but that was rectified by immunotherapy and surgery. In 2019 she found another lump on the chest, which was secondary breast cancer she was treated for three years with targeted chemo - which unfortunately stopped responding! Following this her specialists recommended a new drug from America, which she had a adverse reaction too and tragically she lost 80% of her vision. It was touch and go, but since then the cancer has grown in the chest and she has had to start triple chemo.
As you can tell by reading this it has been a huge journey, and Without Cancer Research We would not have these treatments. The options would be very limited as they cannot operate, due to the position of the tumour.
Any donation would be much appreciated as research is vital for future treatments which save lives.
You’re my inspiration everyday momma! xxx