I am taking on the Hospice 100 Challenge this May to help raise funds for Saint Michaels Hospice. I’ve worked as part of this amazing organisation and know first hand that every penny really does go towards helping local people and their families as they navigate the hardest time of their lives. The difference Saint Michael’s can make is huge, there’s just no other way to put it. I want to help more. As a forever friend of SMH I’m going to run 100km in May. This isn’t an easy task for me. I like a run, sure! Maybe 10km a week if I’m being good, so 25km a week is a real challenge. I wouldn’t do it for anyone else 💜.
I am hoping to raise £250 which could help a member of Saint Michael’s specialist HOME service provide a package of care for someone affected by terminal illness, helping them remain in the place they feel most safe and comfortable, surrounded by the people and things that matter most.