If we carry on as we are, snow cover in resorts above 2000 metres will decrease by 70%. With the snow, goes our lifestyles, our identities, our culture and our connections with the communities we love. We have decided to be part of the change, to protect our winters!
We are cycling 2000km as a team throughout the month of July to raise money for Protect Our Winters UK.
We have a shared passion for the mountains and have had some amazing experiences together in this environment. We want to ensure that these experiences continue in our future and that we protect this beautiful planet for the generations to come.
We have already noticed a difference in snow cover in our short lifetime, from Adam growing up in Scotland experiencing great consistent skiing seasons to now struggling to find a week with good snow. We have both skied regularly in the European Alps from a young age and have done a couple of seasons out in France/Switzerland. Here we have noticed big changes in temperatures and snowfall. This has caused unpredictability and dangerous off piste conditions.
Please help us raise money for this important cause.