Hi, my name is Genevieve. I am 8 years old and I love gymnastics and jumping on my trampoline. I have only recently been able to do a front somersault in the air and land on my feet on my trampoline and I have been practising every day.
I thought it would be a great idea to see if I could reach 1000 front somersaults in the air, land on my feet without falling and raise money at the same time for the Imperial Health Charity who helps our hospitals do more through grants, arts, volunteering and fundraising. They fund major redevelopments, clinical research and medical equipment as well as helping patients and their families at times of extreme financial difficulty. They raise funds to support the five hospitals of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust: Charing Cross, Hammersmith, Queen Charlotte's (where I was born :-)), Chelsea , St Mary and Western Eye hospitals.
Please help me reach my goal of 1000 "front summies to stick" (gymnastics term for a front somersault in the air and landing on your feet) on my trampoline and help the Imperial Health Charity help our hospitals do more and save lives.
Copy and paste the link below to see me bounce and fly!
The password is "Summies"
Thank you so much:-)
Genevieve xoxo