The Wessex Neurological Centre serves a population of 3 million throughout central southern England & the Channel Islands. Having successfully raised £80,000 to provide a dedicated 'critical care' ambulance, and £145,000 to fund the creation of a Paediatric Video-Telemetry Suite (used to assess children with severe Epilepsy as to their suitability for life-changing corrective surgery), our latest appeal aims to raise a further £200,000 for our most ambitious project to date - the Fluorescence Enhanced Neurosurgery Appeal. Surgeons at the Centre perform vascular neurosurgery (to repair aneurysms, haemorrhages and the like), on hundreds of patients each year. By equipping one of the Centre's operating theatres with a new, state-of-the-art operating microscope fitted with the FL800 Fluorescence system, most of these patients will benefit. Fluorescence Enhanced Neurosurgery enables surgeons to clearly visualise blood-flow in adjacent brain tissue, reducing the possibility of either a recurrence of the bleed, or of a post-operative stroke. For further details, please visit