Hey I'm Gemma, I'm 20 years old and am currently in my second year at Loughborough University studying Graphic Communications. Being at Loughborough has been the best experience of my life and has given me so many opportunities to get involved with loads of new things. One of the most exciting being this skydive for charity!
What greater rush is there than jumping out of an aeroplane and free-falling from 13,500 feet? Well Loughborough University RAG (Raising and Giving) has given me the opportunity to take part in this once in a lifetime experience, whilst raising money for charity!! Loughborough University RAG has proven itself to be the best student fundraising organisation in the country- in the last 6 years LSR raised just shy of £4 million for local and national charities and last year raised a staggering £974, 048.09 this year.
So with the help of LSR, next year (May/June time) I will consequently be throwing myself out of a plane in aid of my chosen charity- Help for Heroes.
Help for Heroes provides practical, direct support to those servicemen and women wounded in the line of duty in the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Anyone who volunteers to serve in time of war, knowing that they may risk all, is a hero. These are ordinary people doing extraordinary things and some of them are living with the consequences of their service for life.
Please lend your support by sponsoring me. Every penny counts and will be gratefully received.
Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. It's also the most efficient way to sponsor me. Help for Heros gets your money faster and if you're a UK taxpayer JustGiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation.
Thank you :)
If you want to know more about Help for Heroes and what they do take a look at their website at