So here goes, on the 23rd of July the epic run will start. I will be covering over 70 miles, and climbing over 28,989 feet. I will be using 2 routes on Snowdon. The Pyg Track and The Miners Track. Starting & finishing from the Pen Y Pass car park. Hopefully with a 3 hour turn around on each of the ten legs. I will be starting around 7am on the Saturday(23rd) and finishing sometime after 1pm on the Sunday (24th).
Active Hope's mission is to support local children and young people from various backgrounds and challenging social environments.We provide outdoor and adventurous activities such as kayaking, mountain biking, archery, climbing, forest skills and much more.We aim to support, educate, and encourage young people to allow them to become the best version of themselves, develop self-esteem and nurture positive mental health and well being.We rely heavily on our 2 minibuses and van to transport ourselves, our groups and our equipment out and about.We rely heavily on our 2 minibuses and van to transport ourselves, our groups and our equipment out and about.Sadly, our van and one of the minibuses are suffering from old age and fatigue, and their days are certainly numbered! We would like to raise over £10,000 to go towards replacing these vehicles. Getting our groups of children out onto their projects is paramount, so we want to focus on purchasing a minibus first.