The Deaf Academy were due to open our amazing new Academy buildings on 20th April. Designed with Deaf people for Deaf people these buildings offer bespoke Deaf design to support visual communication, reduce isolation, and help our Deaf children and young people thrive Whilst the current situation means a delay, we remain positive about opening this amazing new facility for our students, when we are able.
The new Academy has only been possible with the support of many, raising vital funds to deliver a building and facilities that reduce isolation. Thank you.
But, with the postponement, cancellation or reduction of many fundraising activities and donations, the Deaf Academy is likely to lose up to £1/4 million due to the impact of Coronavirus.
Like many charities at this time, and, if you are able, we need your help. Fundraising that will ensure that we can open a fully kitted out new Deaf Academy, ready to reduce isolation and support our amazing Deaf students.