I'm known by friends, family and neighbours as 'THE GAL WHO HATES RUNNING, BUT RUNS ANYWAY'.
I started running regularly in May 2020, as a way to keep myself active
and sane during the chaos of a global pandemic...
I live in hope that one day, I will learn to love running, but that day is yet to arrive! Although my body is not particularly enjoying the running, I adore moving and being outdoors; my mind is eternally grateful for the peace and quiet while I explore the local hills.
There are so many uncertainties in this mad world, but everyday I’m reminded of how grateful and thankful I am that I have a healthy body and I have the incredible gift of mobility.
So to celebrate I'm doing something utterly inconceivable - I'm running
a marathon in May!
Nine months ago, running even 5K would have seemed unimaginable (I'm a swimmer not a runner!) so this is a truly huge challenge and so I would love to raise some money for a worthy cause in the process if I can.
If you have any spare pennies, please do consider donating, it would
mean the world!
Thank your for supporting the specific hospital wards, departments or community healthcare services that are closest to your heart through the North Wales NHS Charity, Awyr Las (Blue Sky).Your support helps fund some of the added extras - big and small - that go above and beyond what the NHS is able to provide, making a real difference for local patients and their families when they need it the most.