Thanks for taking the time to visit our page and making a donation. This is the regional annual fundraising event for Shrewsbury and we hope you can support us and Macmillian who provide HUGE support to people and their families on their cancer journeys.
We are the main sponsor this year and hope we can raise more than last year. We should be able to smash the target with the help of all our contractors and consultants.
We will be racing across the river Severn (in suitable fancy dress of course!!) in a relay with a team of 4 people, trying our hardest to beat the other teams We have this year got teams made up staff, contractors and consultants and so it will be a great event.
If you can donate whatever you can to help it will be appreciated and lets hope our efforts can make a difference.
Thanks again for all the support, this is our 4th year (at not winning!!) and we have a great year every single year! lets smash the target!!