Last year our little world was turned upside down when Max started having seizures, and was subsequently diagnosed with Epilepsy. He started on medication, and has now been seizure free for nearly 6 months! :) Before this, we thought epileptic seizures were just one type, we had no idea how complex this neurological disorder really is.
Despite him not having a seizure for nearly 6 months' the anxiety, worry and questions have not gone away, we are always watching and checking on him, and the anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) seem to make him so tired, and he does miss out on some things as a result. That is why we feel that we want to do our little bit to raise awareness of Epilepsy.
Along with many people around the world we want to make this Purple Day bigger than ever, and "26 miles in 26 days" is a great way for anyone to get involved. Starting on 1st of March we will be going over and above this to complete a combined 26,000 steps (approx. 12 miles per day) every day for 26 days, finishing on Purple Day on 26th March. (this may not seem a lot but for a couple of my own health issues, it will be a challenge to keep it up).
Feel free to join us.
Shout about what you're doing on social media! #PurpleDay #PurpleDay2020 #GoPurple