With so much uncertainty in the world, children and young people need emotional support now more than ever. We decided to do a spontaneous cycle on the 9th of June but wish to use that experience and that journey to raise money and awareness for Place2Be. Place2Be is the UK's leading provider of school-based children's mental health services, During lockdown, they have been working tirelessly to provide support to children and families who need them most. only £30 could pay for a vulnerable family to get support from a mental health professional during lockdown. I personally feel that this will have many repercussions on young peoples mental health and they need all the sport that they can get. For many isolated families this is a lifeline, giving them access to basic necessities like food.- £100 could help 14 children to reach Place2Be during lockdown and talk about their fears.
the world can be a scary place but people shouldn't have to suffer alone so what ever you mat be able to give that would be an amazing help
Thank you.