I want to join in because, after I finished my Art Foundation at Loughborough, I dropped out of two other Universities as I was struggling so severely with my mental health.
Not that I’ve ever stuck it out long enough to know fully, but being a student is no easy thing. Being a human isn’t really that easy all of the time. We struggle, we hurt, we get lost. But having support around you, the right support (which is different for everyone), and having accessible, open spaces for conversations about mental health, can make the challenges we face a lot easier to navigate.
So, I’ve decided to run (5k a day for 10 days, not 10k … because that is a challenge I’m not ready for), and try to raise some money to make counselling, well-being advice services, student-led groups and more like this at Loughborough, more accessible. .
I hope that as services like these become more accessible, and conversations grow to be more open, that fewer people will suffer silently, and there can be a shift in the way that mental health is addressed and perceived.
Thank You for reading all this way, and Thank You to the people who have loved me and supported me and guided me through the darkest times. I’m looking forward to spending time with you in the light now xxx