Freya & Helena's 10 Marathons by age 25

10 Marathons by 25 · 16 August 2020
On New Years Day 2012 I set myself the goal of running 10 marathons. Then if I still wanted to die, I was free to do so.
8 years, 18 half marathons and 6 marathons later and running has changed my life. I have made amazing friends, seen beautiful cities and pushed my fitness to its limits. This is pretty impressive to those who remember me before 1 January 2012, when I comfortably existed in the couch potato zone. Running also changed Helena's life. It gave her power and a tool to cope with all the challenges of grief, anxiety, body image and stupid boys that came her way. Running is personal for us both, and it makes our day when a friend says 'I hate running/running isn't for me/my lungs feel like they are going to explode, but I tried this Park Run/Couch 2 5k/Fun Run and actually...' And they get it too. They get why it made such a difference to us.
So before I turn 25 in August 2020, I am going to run 4 marathons in 10 weeks to keep the promise to myself - 10 marathons by the age of 25. Now Helena is 18, she is going to be joining me and running her first marathon too.
This is where we need our friends and family. Helena and I want to give back to some of the people who made a difference to in our lives by funding 5 Samaritans volunteers. This is £240 per volunteer. These are the people who are there when no one else is - and someone being on the end of the phone is the difference between life and death. Suicide is the biggest killer in 5-35 year olds and the leading killer in men under 50. If we can provide 5 more trained volunteers, we can help to be there for the people who reach out in desperate need (every 6 seconds).
But there IS hope. Suicide rates among men are falling and UK suicide statistics are the lowest they have been in 30 years. Verbal support like the Samaritans is fundamental to continuing this downward trend. I now work as a suicide support volunteer (LV) at The Listening Place, a support service for suicidal people set up by Samaritans founders. I work 1:1 with visitors long-term to reduce their suicidal feelings. And if I could tell you one thing from my own experience, it is that suicidal people do not want to die. They are ambiguous about death and have simply run out of options. What verbal support does is provide space, time and, most importantly, options. Verbal support like the Samaritans helps.
Please help me help them. Or just help me. See it as a Happy Birthday. Or a 'Freya, I am glad you are alive.' Or £1,250 for 5 more trained volunteers to take the 5.7 million calls Samaritans receive every year.
Life gave me a second chance. Help us do the same for others.
Freya x
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