Hey friends,
As some of you may know, my lovely nephew Freddie came into the world under quite traumatic circumstances and was deprived of oxygen at birth for some time. The doctors and nurses (and Freddie) fought very hard to keep him alive but he has severe brain damage (Grade 3 Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy (HIE)) which has caused him to have severe bilateral dystonic Cerebral Palsy.
Freddie has been in and out of hospital since he was born and will continue to have various hospital treatments and procedures, potentially for his whole life. In particular Fred has regular physio to help his muscles especially for his arms and core and we hope this will help him, in time, to be able to hopefully sit up, walk and do all those things we take for granted.
While the NHS is amazing, they can only provide one hour of physiotherapy every fortnight. We know that with more therapy and the right equipment Freddie will be able to do amazing things, be able to be as independent as possible and have a good quality of life.
We have a Tree Of Hope page set up and all proceeds go to Freddie's treatment - whether that might be more physiotherapy, an operation not funded on the NHS or crucial equipment he may need.
We'll be doing a number of things to raise money for Freddie's treatment over the next few years, but firstly a bunch of us (including my parents, my brothers, Mitch and some amazing friends and family) will take the challenge of walking around the perimeter of the Isle of Wight in just 4 days. It's going to be tough, but if we can just raise a little bit of money for lovely Fred, then it will be worth it.
Please donate, it doesnt matter, how much, every little helps.
Love Lauren, Alan, Sharon, Danny, Mitch, Matt and co xxx