So.... anyone who knows me knows that I'm lazy, have a terrible diet, do no sports or other exercise, and am just generally a bit useless. But it's time to change all that! Perhaps. So I've started running a little bit (running/jogging/stumbling/crawling, it's all the same) and decided to give myself something to work towards, and this 5k seemed like a good way to break myself in.
It also seemed like an ideal opportunity to raise some cash up for charity, and I picked Action Against Hunger from the list on the Big Fun Runs website partially because of the current situation in East Africa.
I know it's not far to run, and I'm a bit of a pussy for it, but what you need to remember is that any money donated will go to charity and will likely save peoples lives - it's worth more to them than to you, and to sweeten the deal you get to see me making a complete tit of myself and collapsing in exhaustion (hopefully after the finish line), panting and probably crying, all the while wearing the lovely luminous orange T-Shirt that the kind folks at Action Against Hunger have sent me - yeah thanks guys. It'll be a laugh anyway, definitely worth a fiver, and you'll be helping people who really, desperately need your help.
So please dig in your pockets! Thanks,