Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving
Back in 2015 a very dear and special friend of mine had to face the most terrifying experience a woman can face. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to undergo a masectomy and then follow that with months of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Since then she has checkups but still faces the thought that this awful disease may return. She's incredibly brave and has had to face this. She has had no choice. So, now, I am going to face one of my biggest fears. That is the fear of heights. I’m going to throw myself from a Cliff with the aid of the country’s highest zipwire at Bluewater and I would be really honoured if you could support me by donating.
This disease will continue to ruin so many lives without the valuable research of this charity.
Everyone, at some time in their life is affected in some way by this awful disease. Please help me to support Cancer Research UK.
Thank You