For those who don't know about the Tough Mudder event, it's an endurance event and it's TOUGH!!! On Saturday, (24th September), we ran through 12 miles of overgrown woodland, gruelling trails and gritty mud - overcoming obstacles on our way, like 10,000 volts of electricity on the Electroshock Therapy challenge… and we made it!
Please help us to ensure the challenge was worthwhile pain by supporting us. We took part in the event to raise money for Alzhiemer's Society. Every 3 minutes someone in the UK develops dementia, and the team all have a very personal connection to the cause. The Alzheimer's Society is an inspiring charity which is going to change the landscape for people affected by dementia forever, and we want to help them do it.
A huge thank you from us all!
Penny, Rob, Colin & Denyse x