Our single 3000 Fists is violent and peaceful at the same time. It calls out the government for it's corruption and lies surrounding Brexit and it's woeful handling of Covid-19 and we make some pretty bold statements in it.
We thought carefully about what we said though and at the end of the day it's just a song with a strong sense of satire designed to ruffle some feathers. We're not political activists, or huge supporters of the left wing either, but we do believe this governement are crooked.
However messages of anger and aggression don't help move us forward and whilst many of us feel this way just now the best thing for us all to do is stay calm and look to do something positive, hence this appeal.
If you recall at the start of lockdown there was panic buying of food and you probably saw a NHS worker in tears that food had ran out.
This fear was is in a developed, rich country where we have plenty food. It can be pretty scary, the thought of limited or no food so imagine if this was your life, every day.
We thought of the millions of human beings, children included, in our world who do not have enough food and what an absolute tragedy and failure of humanity that is, especially
considering distribution of wealth in the world.
Futhermore when Covid is over as pandemic, millions of people will still require help as a direct result of it's effects, food being a basic need.
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Thank you very much for your support.
Gary, Gary & Kenny xxx