Someone in the UK is diagnosed with a blood cancer every 16 minutes......In December we were devastated by the news of our good friend Martyn being diagnosed with a genetically complex Acute Myloid Leukaemia. Football coach to our youngest son, husband to Charlie and dad of two gorgeous children under 8, Martyn’s diagnosis just didn’t seem possible for someone so young, fit and healthy, with so much life still to live.…..
Diagnosis was followed by weeks of Hospitalisation away from his family and the toughest of treatment programmes. Without money being spent on valuable research, just two years ago this strain of AML would have been untreatable. In the months gone by, Martyn has fought with such strength and courage to beat this blood cancer and thankfully at the end of July, received the most amazing life line of Stem Cell treatment. But his battle is not over as he continues to receive treatment in hospital instead of being with his family at home.
By far, this is the biggest challenge I've set myself, but it puts it all into persepective. Everyday I'm inspired by Martyn and Charlie for their on going strength, so please support me to continue to put money into the life changing research and win the fight against Leukaemia for Martyn and Charlie and their beautiful family.
My Marathon run is also dedicated to so many brave people fighting other cancers. My Uncle Tony, recently diagnosed and just starting treatment.
My wonderful manager Kate, who for the second time in 5 years, is fighting Cancer and receiving ongoing Chemotherapy. And good friend Fi, who also bravely receives more chemo.
The advances being made in cancer research and the work Leukaemia UK is putting in to treating blood cancers is giving so many people the tools they need to fight and beat these cancers. Please help this continue for Martyn, Uncle Tony, Kate and Fi, and give people the hope they need.