As many of you know my son Finn died last August aged 6. Finn was diagnosed with Leukaemia in October 2006. He spent the next 12 months undergoing intensive chemotherapy to try to wipe out the disease.
When this failed, Finn underwent radiotherapy followed by a bone marrow transplant but ultimately this too failed to beat the cancer. Throughout his illness Finn and Sarah or I spent many nights in both Great Ormond Street hospital for Children and The Whittington hospital undergoing the various treatments or due to infections Finn picked up. Although his stays were invariably very stressful and worrying, we were always amazed at the professionalism and dedication of the staff who looked after Finn. It was during this time that we resolved to try to give something back through fundraising.
In 2007, we raised over £12,000 by completing a coast to coast cycle ride from the Lake district to Sunderland with a group of 13 friends. This year I'm taking part in the Cape Argus Cycle Tour, a 109km cycle race in Cape Town South Africa (see for detials) and am hoping to raise money for the Paedatric Oncology Unit at The Whittington hospital.
The money will be used to help provide improved facilities in the rooms allocated to kids with Leukaemia and other cancers whilst on the ward. Stays on the ward tend to mean many hours in the same room, as the kids can't go onto the general ward in case they pick up infections. So any money raised should directly benefit families in North London who are faced with the same awful situation as Finn.
Thanks !
Pete, Sarah and Evie.