Will you help me make a difference?
I decided to match the current challenge many individuals face when trying to access adequate and affordable mental health care: I will ride 55 miles (89 km) from London to Brighton to raise much-needed funds for the Camden Psychotherapy Unit (CPU).
Tremendous efforts have been made to increase access to psychotherapies over the past few years. These are, however, often short-term and sadly, the availability and support for longer-term psychotherapy has lessened. Knowing that not everyone benefits from short-term therapy, we need to make sure that we provide a choice for those who seek help. Many individuals who suffer mental and emotional difficulties may want and need therapy that is more in-depth and longer-term.
The CPU is one of the few remaining mental health services that offers low-cost or free long-term psychotherapy. CPU was founded in the late 1960s - fully funded by the NHS. This sadly changed in 2010 when all funds were withdrawn leaving the Service to fend for itself.
I joined the team of honorary psychotherapists in 2016 and can wholeheartedly say it is a place of hope and inspiration. With every £1,500 raised, we are able to support one individual.
Please consider sponsoring me – my aim is to raise the funds to support two individuals next year – all donations are very much appreciated!