Feel Elite CBD Gummies According to current conceptions of human nutrition, most nutritional scientists claim that our bodies should maintain roughly a 2-1 ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6. That there should be about two Omega 3's to every one Omega 6 in the body. According to others we should have at least a one to one ratio. In an average diet most people get adequate amounts of the important EFA's Omega 6 and 9. Often, as much as is needed by the body or more. However, our dietary intake of the critical EFA Omega-3 is far below the amount needed by the body for optimal health.
In actuality though many people have roughly a 15-1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3, and some as much as 20-1. In most cases it is not the result of excessive Omega 6 intake causing this upside-down ratio but an extremely inadequate Feel Elite CBD Gummies 3 intake. That is to say that our Omega 6 intake is not typically high. For most people it is around where it's supposed to be. Our Omega 3 intake however is staggeringly low. Our extremely insufficient Omega 3 intake keeps the ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 completely the opposite of what our bodies need to function optimally.
Some examples: To maintain good health an ideal supply of Omega 3 EFA's in the body is not only helpful, it is principle in preventing and aiding a large number of common health concerns. A basic internet search on the benefits of Omega 3 yields numbers of studies published in major medical and nutritional periodicals such as The New England Journal of Medicine, Psychiatry Res., The Feel Elite CBD Gummies of Affective- Disorders, The American Journal of Clinical- Nutrition... Pointing out the benefits Omega 3 has on modern health conditions, many of the studies demonstrate pronounced improvement for some common problems.