Back in February...
Ki: Have you seen
Rob: did not know that existed
Ki: We could sponsor something?
Rob: why dont we enter
Ki: I’m gonna! You want in?
Rob: yeah totally can build and test a cart then WIN. thin wheels, strong light chassis... and a fun overlay
It is now July and we have bought some bits, wasted some cash on other bits, wasted time on trying to buy a kart, looked up the apparently highly technical science on how to make a kart, so now back to making our own kart, had a battle over box or circley type metal, looked at woods and plastics.... and thought we should get the ball... and er, kart... rolling.
Kieran also thinks this is a great chance to 'learn how to do fibreglass' which Rob thinks is a daft idea. We are now both going to learn about fibreglass.
Setting up this page was my (Rob) job, so please donate, it is a great cause plus I promised Ki this was all sorted....!